Why would anyone want to run Kubernetes at home? Because we can!

As a DevOps engineer turned to management, I have never let go of my scripty, devlopy, automate the world mind. So naturally as any technology aficionado would, I brought my work home. Started with a small lab to run softwares we would have to deal with at work. Playing in a controlled environment is the best way to experience issues and problems and having them only isolated to you. No one should be testing on production btw. Just wanted to put that out there.

Currently I run a lot of local services. Some would say the cloud would be better - and it is; but as this is for me, I don’t need to incur Cloud monthly reoccurring costs. I don’t need 99.9999% uptime though my wife would argue otherwise >_<

Currently Running Services

  • Traefik for proxy - HTTPS all the things!
  • homeassistant - Smart Home Automation Controller
  • heimdall - Easy to run Dashboard for the family
  • elasticsearch - I actually run a couple copies of Elasticsearch
    • IDs / IPS Events from Zeek (Bro), Snort and Suricata
    • Kubernetes & App logs
    • secops-logs - AWS Cloudtrail and system logging
  • meme-library - PHP Based Meme Library - Need those memes handy…
  • mosquito - MQTT broker for smart home devices
  • unifi-controller - UniFi AP Controller
  • uptime-kuma - Basic up/down service monitoring
  • webhooks - Webhook service for receiving calls from GitHub and other SaaS providers
  • ynab-weekly-cron - You Need A Budget - weekly custom report. Thanks Cameron!

Controllers used

  • metrics-server - Duh, how you get metrics w/o?
  • MetalLB - Used to provision local ip space for pods