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  1. Start the day with small victories - start by making your bed
    • One small task
    • If you cant do the small things right - you can never do the bad things right
    • If you have a bad day - you’ll come home to a made bed
  2. Find someone to help you through life
    • Every paddle must be synchronized
    • Everyone must paddle
    • You cant change the world alone
  3. Respect everyone
    • Measure a person by the size of their heart
    • Munchkin / Smurf crew
    • Look at little flippers on little feet
    • Look not at a man’s flippers, but instead the size heart
  4. Life is not always fair, carry forward
    • Inspections
    • You will fail, you are never going to have a perfect ___
    • all fail - get your sugar cookie and learn to carry on
  5. Don’t be afraid to fail often
    • Hours of calisthenics
    • Time standards
    • If you failed you got a Circus - extra attention
    • 2 hrs of calisthenics
    • Everyone gets one though
    • Those got stronger - by doing
    • Builds inner strength
  6. Take risks
    • Slide for life
    • 4story tows 200 foot rope
    • The record broke when someone did it head first
  7. Facedown the bullies - Don’t back down from Sharks
    • Long swims night swims
    • Species of sharks
    • No student has been eaten
    • do not act afraid
    • do not swim away
    • if one charge, hit their nose, stand your ground
  8. Step when times are the toughest - Be your best in darkest moments
    • Ships swimming
    • 2 miles underwater with compass and depth gauge
    • There is a glimmer of light
    • when you get under a ship it gets dark
    • Find the keel/centerline and work your way out
    • Deafening
    • Under the keel, it is the darkest time
    • Time t be calm & composed
  9. Lift up the downtrodden
    • Mudflats in TJ slews
    • swampy terrain that you try and survive cold for 15 hrs
    • Ordered into the mud, consumed each man
    • Would leave if 5 quit
    • One voice raised in song

    • One became 2
    • 2 become 3
    • Somehow the muid was warmer
    • Dawn not so far away * The power of Hope
  10. Never Give up - Never ring the bell
    • There is a bell in Seal training
    • All you have to do to quit is ring the bell
    • No more 5am wakeup calls
    • No more PT
    • No more hardships